Bathroom Remodeling Plumbing Service in Jacksonville, FL (32205)

Date: June 16, 2023

City: Jacksonville, FL

ZIP Code: 32205

Plumber Notes: Customer will be doing all of drywall and cabinetry upstairs and downstairs. We will be replacing 4″ cast iron that is in the Interior wall to pick up a tub,sink,toilet and Kitchen sink downstairs. We will also be bringing a small four foot piece of cast iron to put through boot going through roof. And then doing everything Else in p v c. We may have to reroute the bathtub upstairs to make it work. It is now on a four by three With two inch side outlet. Not sure if we can still get that fiting. We may have to do some demo to access new location for tub drain. Customer is willing to help anyway possible with any more demo. We find during the work process. Jobs should take no longer than a full day but if it does we will let customer know.Replaced cast iron, left 4 ft in ceiling that was for inch and connected 3 in to it. Remove rest of the cast iron all the way down to the kitchen about 2 ft from the floor. Replaced it with all PVC 3 inch 2-in and inch and a half and toilet riser. All fixtures and upstairs bath all the way down to Kitchen is all plastic cleaned up area job complete

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