Water Heater Plumbing Service in Jacksonville, FL (32220)
Date: March 17, 2023
City: Jacksonville, FL
ZIP Code: 32220
Plumber Notes: Came out to install 2 new hose bibs on outside of building. Cut main supply in utility closet and tee’d off and ran water line against wall and nicely strapped off. Unable to finish installing second bib due to heavy rain and they closed at 5 but we were there a bit after. Customer asked us to return Monday to continue the job but we are currently at a point where they could cancel and be fine. Returned Monday 3-13-23 and installed another hosebib on outside of far left building. Had to tee off of water heater and ran 1/2” pipe low and out of the way, along wall and poked out the exterior wall. Strapped both bibs and pipes leading to bibs. VERY secured.