Water Heater Plumbing Service in Jacksonville, FL (32224)

Date: October 8, 2021

City: Jacksonville, FL

ZIP Code: 32224

Plumber Notes: Water was hot through cold lines and hotter through hot lines. Checked thermostats on 3 water heaters. Lowered the ones that were set higher than others to approximately 135′ from 150′. Checked mop sinks(all 3 faucets were shut off.) Adjusted mixing valve on 2 sinks. They still heated up off and on. The Secretary advised that it had been a while since another plumbing company came and did work upstairs. Removed cold water line and piping hot water came out for about 40 seconds. I reconnected the lines to new mixing valve. Repeated process on 2nd sink from the door. Maintenance man and I then proceeded to the clinic restroom as well as all the restrooms upstairs and downstairs. I adjusted them all to satisfactory warmth. Tested by maintenance and double checked as well.

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