Sewer and Drain Plumbing Service in Jacksonville, FL (32244)

Date: August 5, 2024

City: Jacksonville, FL

ZIP Code: 32244

Plumber Notes: After arriving, customer showed me the three floor drains in the driveway. There are two separate 6 inch black corrugated pipe that run over 100 feet from driveway to the edge of the woods. I am working on the black corrugated pipe that is closest to the cul-de-sac to the right of the house. After running water into both lines I found that one of the corrugated lines is broken, allowing water to fill from a hole in the ground and getting dirt inside the line. I was able to use my 7/8 cable snake through the opening by the woods and snake up to the broken piece of pipe. It is about 15 feet from the end of the pipe in towards the house where the brake is it looks like a tree branch fell and broke it in the ground, I also found a big belly, not allowing water to drain properly towards the end of the pipe. I am going to be calling the office to try to make up an estimate to see how we can help the customer Best. I paused my labor while doing estimate but I restarted it when I started my clean up process. I removed the dirt and rocks from bottom of the floor drains in drive way. Customer will be calling the office to schedule for the estimate I typed up but also schedule an estimator to come out and estimate how much it would be to change the corrugated to pvc the entire run.

Do you have a problem like this? We can help!