Sewer and Drain Plumbing Service in Jacksonville, FL (32205)

Date: July 15, 2024

City: Jacksonville, FL

ZIP Code: 32205

Plumber Notes: We took apart kitchen sanitary piping and tried to snake the line from there. The stoppage still did not break. We took apart both p-traps in the master bathroom and tried to snake them and the clog did not break. We decided to come back tomorrow. To try and snake the line from the vent stack on the roof above kitchen/ master bathroom. After we arrived we filled the kitchen sink with water before setting up our ladder to bring cable to the roof. We sent multiple links of cable through the vent above the master bath/ kitchen area of the house. I felt the clog break apart while pushing and pulling the cable down into the vent stack. We filled the kitchen sink to flood level to allow as much water to flow down the sanitary piping. After running the kitchen sink for a bit we turned on both sinks in the master bath all sinks are draining now. We are continuously allowing water to flow from all 3 sinks to test for stoppage and any leaks from taking apart p-traps yesterday.

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